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Client success stories

We’ve been in business a long time and have been able to help clients across all sectors with their business, commercial and property finance.

How have we raised finance for businesses like yours? We have written some successful completed cases about our clients and their financial journeys.

No bank manager? No problem!

D&G International, are a shipping logistics company based in Essex who fulfil over 25,000 consignments per month through their various international partners. They were looking to purchase their own offices, and had even identified a particular workplace which they thought was ideal, but they needed help financing the deal in order to purchase the property and design it to meet their needs.

However, they didn’t have a bank manager to approach to discuss their financing options! So they went to see a financial advisor, who referred them to ASC.

This is where we came in. Our team set about speaking to the right banks in order to get the right loan for their business. We were able to secure them a loan of £372,000, in order to not only purchase, but also to help develop and refurbish their new offices.

Find out more about D&G International here


Remember, the bank manager has disappeared – but ASC are still here!

Why ASC?

We treat you as an individual and not as a form filling robot – and we won’t put you through to a call-centre.

You can speak to an experienced local finance director who has the knowledge and ability to make decisions. There is no obligation to discuss your project with us, so contact your local director today for a free consultation.