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News and Information

A collection of our thoughts, opinions, (and sometimes general musings) on everything to do with all aspects of business finance, commercial finance, small businesses, and general news about ASC Finance for Business.

  • Finance, Loans, Property

    When to refinance a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property means taking out a new mortgage to replace the existing one. Refinancing could bring a number of benefits to your business if done at the right time. Refinancing could be beneficial to your business in the following scenarios: Lower interest rates: Interest rates regularly fluctuate. If rates have fallen since taking...

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  • Business

    How to spot a good investment when buying a business

    Finding the perfect investment isn’t easy. If you’re looking at buying a business, the search to find one that matches all your criteria can sometimes be a long one. Whether it’s the asking price, location, the industry you’re looking to enter, or another factor entirely – there are a lot of businesses out there that...

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  • ASC News

    Recent deal completions for ASC Finance

    It’s been a busy time across the ASC network. Here’s a selection of some of our recent deal completions to give you a flavour of the success we achieve for our clients. On behalf of clients, we have secured: Refinance £450,000 commercial mortgage for a Dorset holiday park following partnership dissolution. £340,000 via an agricultural...

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  • Loans

    Peer-to-peer lending guide

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a fast-growing type of finance in the UK. Here’s a handy guide if you’re wondering about using P2P to finance your business. What is P2P lending? P2P lending is a form of financing that allows investors to lend money to businesses needing funds. This process occurs through online platforms that match...

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  • Finance, Property

    Pros and cons of refinancing a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new loan. It may involve switching lenders or negotiating a new deal with your current one. Refinancing a commercial property may be appropriate for several reasons. Perhaps your current commercial mortgage is ending, or you’d like to release equity to help with cash flow....

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  • Finance, Property

    Buying commercial property through a pension fund

    Buying commercial property through a pension fund can be highly tax-efficient, so here’s what you need to know. Type of pension vehicle You can buy property through two types of pension schemes: A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) A Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) Type of commercial property Any property you buy in your SIPP or SSAS...

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  • ASC News

    Trio take over ownership of ASC Finance for Business

    ASC Finance for Business, has new owners following the sale by its founding family. Three ASC Regional Directors – Dominic Williams, Conrad Robins and Alex Milham have formed a partnership to assume ownership and management of the business. Collectively, the trio bring over 45 years of ASC experience to their new role. Founded by brothers...

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  • Finance

    Common myths about using a finance broker debunked 

    Using a commercial finance broker can be a wise choice for businesses requiring a loan. However, some common myths surrounding finance brokers can be misleading and may prevent businesses from using their services. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths about finance brokers so you can make a more informed decision about using...

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  • Finance, Property development

    What is development exit finance? 

    Development exit finance refers to short-term financing used by property developers to repay outstanding property development finance once the project is nearing completion. Why is development exit finance necessary? Property development projects usually require a significant upfront investment in land acquisition, construction, and other development costs. These costs are often funded by development finance, a...

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  • Property

    Growth in the UK's property auction market 

    The latest data released by property auction data and insights provider Essential Information Group (EIG) shows growth in the UK’s property auction market, providing positive news for property investors. EIG’s latest monthly National Auction Analysis, released at the end of March, reveals that the UK property auction market saw substantial growth across all year-on-year metrics...

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