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News and Information

A collection of our thoughts, opinions, (and sometimes general musings) on everything to do with all aspects of business finance, commercial finance, small businesses, and general news about ASC Finance for Business.

  • Miscellaneous

    The difference between business finance and Business Finance

    There’s an old riddle. You have to choose between two politicians and vote one into office. Candidate A sleeps until midday most days, is a heavy drinker, and was kicked out of office twice. Candidate B served in the military; he doesn’t smoke and is a vegetarian. So who do you choose? Most of you...

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  • Miscellaneous

    Small Business Saturday is Back!

    Last year, an initiative was launched to help small and independent businesses, called Small Business Saturday. You may have heard of it. Originally a US concept, it was brought over to the UK in order to help raise the profile of small and independent businesses in the UK, by setting aside one day to help...

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  • Miscellaneous

    Focus on Retail - William Grimsey: Why we need a plan for the British High Street

    As part of our focus on Retail, we invited William Grimsey, the Ex-CEO of Wickes, Big Food Group, Focus DIY and Park n Shop Hong Kong, to discuss his thoughts concerning British retail and the UK High Street: As the season of political conferences is upon us it’s that time of year when buzzwords and...

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  • In The Press

    We needed to invest but banks didn't want to know

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  • In The Press

    Lending Schemes have made scant difference

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  • In The Press

    Confidentiality of tax

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