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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Support Small Business, Here’s what you can do!  

OK, so we are probably not going to win any awards for our Valentines poetry. But that’s ok. At ASC we pride ourselves on helping small businesses, and being part of the UK’s SME community.  

So we wanted to take a break from telling everyone how great we are and how we can help small businesses raise commercial finance. Instead, we just wanted to encourage everyone to show some additional love and support to a small business this Valentines Day. Here are just a few things you can do to show your appreciation for small businesses in your local area. 

  1. Eat in a local family owned restaurant. Next time you go for dinner, skip the chain, and go support a local business! 
  2. Leave a review. Help a small businesses marketing by leaving them a positive review on Google or Facebook. 
  3. Shop local. Skip the amazon order, and head on down to the local high street. 
  4. Shout! If there is a great local business nearby, spread the word. The best form of marketing is by word of mouth, so support them where you can! 

So remember to show some love to a small business this valentines day! 


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