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  • Finance, Loans

    Top 10 mistakes businesses make when applying for finance

    Securing finance for your business can be a game-changer. Given its importance, you’ll want to ensure a successful application enabling you to progress toward your plans. At ASC, we regularly see common mistakes businesses make when applying for finance. So, to help you dodge the pitfalls, here are the 10 mistakes to avoid. Top 10...

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  • Banks, Finance

    What are the alternatives to a bank loan for a business?

    For many businesses needing finance, their bank is their first port of call. The British Business Bank recently reported that 51% of smaller businesses only approached their bank. If their bank declined them, only 5% would consider another lender. However, despite banks being a clear favourite for business finance, they aren’t the only option. If...

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  • Finance

    Do I need to give a personal guarantee for a business loan?

    A recent survey found that 60% of small business owners feel uninformed about the risks associated with personal guarantees, leading 25% to withdraw from loans that required them. If you plan to take out a business loan and are unsure whether you’ll need to provide a personal guarantee or what the risks and rewards might...

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  • Finance

    One-third of broker clients have secured finance after being declined elsewhere

    A recent survey highlights the benefits of using a commercial finance broker when seeking funding for your business. The latest National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) membership survey of over 2,400 commercial brokers and 155 lenders found that commercial finance brokers facilitated a significant £38 billion in lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)...

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  • Business, Loans

    Lending market predictions for 2024

    As we start a new calendar year, we thought we’d share our expectations on what will happen in the UK lending market in 2024. Of course, we don’t have a crystal ball (sadly!), so these are our best-guess predictions based on the current market conditions and our industry experience. Tightened lending criteria During 2024, some...

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  • Banks, Economy, Finance

    Buying a business – how accessible is bank finance?

    Last autumn’s market turmoil and the subsequent 14 consecutive base rate rises by the Bank of England have dramatically changed the commercial lending landscape compared to 12 months ago. So, if you’re considering buying or expanding a business, how likely will you get bank finance? Here’s how the UK bank lending market is currently looking:...

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  • Banks, Finance

    My bank said no. What next?

    For most small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), their bank is their first port of call for commercial finance. So what happens when your business needs a loan, and your bank says no? There are many reasons why a bank may reject a loan application, and it’s generally not straightforward to pin down the cause. Your...

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  • Banks

    Bank versus a commercial finance broker

    If your business needs finance, the default scenario is to go to your bank. However, the days of having a dedicated bank manager who knows your business inside out and can get you the loan you need are, unfortunately, behind us in most cases. So, what’s the alternative? Instead of seeking a bank loan, you...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Does my personal credit score matter if I’m getting a business loan?

    When it comes to commercial mortgages, many business owners wonder whether their personal credit score plays a significant role in the loan approval process. While commercial mortgages differ from personal mortgages in several aspects, your credit score can matter when applying for a commercial mortgage, though it will depend on the type of finance you...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    A Short Guide to Refinancing a Commercial Loan

    If your business has a commercial loan, then you should regularly consider whether refinancing can help improve your financial situation. It could provide you with the opportunity to secure improved terms or achieve specific objectives. However, it’s important to approach refinancing with careful consideration. In this short guide, we have outlined the key factors to...

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