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  • ASC News

    Meet the ASC Director: Dan Gateshill

    Dan Gateshill is the Regional Director at our Hampshire, Dorset and Isle of Wight office. We asked him a few questions to help you get to know the man behind the desk. How long have you been with ASC? Six and a half years. What makes you a good broker? Feedback from my clients shows...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Does my personal credit score matter if I’m getting a business loan?

    When it comes to commercial mortgages, many business owners wonder whether their personal credit score plays a significant role in the loan approval process. While commercial mortgages differ from personal mortgages in several aspects, your credit score can matter when applying for a commercial mortgage, though it will depend on the type of finance you...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    A Short Guide to Refinancing a Commercial Loan

    If your business has a commercial loan, then you should regularly consider whether refinancing can help improve your financial situation. It could provide you with the opportunity to secure improved terms or achieve specific objectives. However, it’s important to approach refinancing with careful consideration. In this short guide, we have outlined the key factors to...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    How can you get a business loan through Peer-2-peer funding?

    Peer-to-peer commercial funding, is a form of financing that connects businesses in need of funds with investors who are looking for attractive returns on their investments.  The process typically works as follows:  A business applies for a loan, either directly or through a broker such as ASC, through a peer-to-peer lending platform. The application includes...

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  • In The Press, Property

    Exeter - A city of Opportunity

    ASC’s rgeional Director for Devon, Conrad Robins was featured in the Intermediary discussing the property market in Exeter and the commerical finance opportunities. You can read what Conrad had to say here. 

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Finance, Loans, Property, SME

    Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Support Small Business, Here’s what you can do!  

    OK, so we are probably not going to win any awards for our Valentines poetry. But that’s ok. At ASC we pride ourselves on helping small businesses, and being part of the UK’s SME community.   So we wanted to take a break from telling everyone how great we are and how we can help small...

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  • Business, Financial World

    ASC are both a local network and a national organisation. Just how do we manage that?

    Here at ASC, we don’t make a secret of the fact that we’re not structured in the same way that many brokers are. In fact, we’re proud of it. But sometimes we get asked about exactly what our structure means for our clients – how do they benefit from it? Well, it’s all down to...

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  • Financial World

    You might be surprised, but finance is a local business

    When most people think “finance”, they think on a national perspective. The default image of finance is the big, high-street banks making transactions on a large scale across the country without regard to individuality or the areas they’re in. Now, we’ve talked before about how high-street banks aren’t the only option available – and it’s...

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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    It Pays to Shop Local

    Like any sector, the finance world has lenders of all shapes and sizes. From massive multinational banks to smaller, more local lenders, there are over 300 different funding sources available for a business looking for finance in the UK. But not all lenders are created equal – depending on where you are, and what exactly...

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