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  • Business

    How to spot a good investment when buying a business

    Finding the perfect investment isn’t easy. If you’re looking at buying a business, the search to find one that matches all your criteria can sometimes be a long one. Whether it’s the asking price, location, the industry you’re looking to enter, or another factor entirely – there are a lot of businesses out there that...

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  • Finance, Property

    Pros and cons of refinancing a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new loan. It may involve switching lenders or negotiating a new deal with your current one. Refinancing a commercial property may be appropriate for several reasons. Perhaps your current commercial mortgage is ending, or you’d like to release equity to help with cash flow....

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  • ASC News

    Trio take over ownership of ASC Finance for Business

    ASC Finance for Business, has new owners following the sale by its founding family. Three ASC Regional Directors – Dominic Williams, Conrad Robins and Alex Milham have formed a partnership to assume ownership and management of the business. Collectively, the trio bring over 45 years of ASC experience to their new role. Founded by brothers...

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  • Finance

    Common myths about using a finance broker debunked 

    Using a commercial finance broker can be a wise choice for businesses requiring a loan. However, some common myths surrounding finance brokers can be misleading and may prevent businesses from using their services. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths about finance brokers so you can make a more informed decision about using...

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  • Property

    Growth in the UK's property auction market 

    The latest data released by property auction data and insights provider Essential Information Group (EIG) shows growth in the UK’s property auction market, providing positive news for property investors. EIG’s latest monthly National Auction Analysis, released at the end of March, reveals that the UK property auction market saw substantial growth across all year-on-year metrics...

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  • Business

    The pros and cons of buying an existing business

    There are many different ways you can start your entrepreneurship journey and be on your way to becoming your own boss. If you’re thinking of starting a business, there are many complexities you might need to consider, from putting together a new business plan to conducting market research, finding an office, staff, and everything in...

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  • Business, Finance

    Tips for improving business creditworthiness

    Improving the creditworthiness of your business is essential for gaining access to financing, securing favourable loan terms and building trust with customers, suppliers and partners. Here are some tips to help you enhance your business’s creditworthiness. Business credit score The measurement of your business’s financial health is your business credit score. A good business credit...

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  • Finance

    How invoice finance can help small businesses

    Maintaining cash flow can be a struggle for any business, but accessing finance can be particularly challenging for small businesses. One available funding option is invoice finance. Invoice finance, or factoring, enables businesses to access funds by selling their outstanding invoices to a lender for a percentage of their total value. You can find out...

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  • Business, Loans

    Lending market predictions for 2024

    As we start a new calendar year, we thought we’d share our expectations on what will happen in the UK lending market in 2024. Of course, we don’t have a crystal ball (sadly!), so these are our best-guess predictions based on the current market conditions and our industry experience. Tightened lending criteria During 2024, some...

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  • Business

    Buying a business? Five useful lessons you should learn

    Every entrepreneur will face unique challenges when buying a business, but there are some real-life lessons that you can learn in advance. To support you in your buying journey,  this article – from the world’s leading platform for buying and selling businesses – will explore five helpful lessons every entrepreneur should understand and internalise. You may...

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