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Banks, Business, Finance, Loans, Property, SME

You know the banks that don’t lend – we know the banks that do!

Who can you actually speak to at your bank? Who answers your questions and actually makes decisions?

If you cast your mind back, a business used to have a dedicated bank manager – someone who knew the business inside and out. And if you wanted to secure finance for your business, they had the knowledge, and the ability to make it happen.

Well, the bank manager has disappeared (okay – there are still some good bank managers out there, but they are becoming a rare breed!), but ASC are still here and still arranging business finance.

But how do you know which bank is the right one for you – the one that will provide you with the right finance – right in every respect? There are over 365 banks and building societies in the UK. So it’s impossible to know who to approach.

That is where we come in. ASC have been raising finance for over 50 years – so we know the banks that lend!

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