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  • ASC News

    Recent deal completions for ASC Finance

    It’s been a busy time across the ASC network. Here’s a selection of some of our recent deal completions to give you a flavour of the success we achieve for our clients. On behalf of clients, we have secured: Refinance £450,000 commercial mortgage for a Dorset holiday park following partnership dissolution. £340,000 via an agricultural...

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  • Loans

    Peer-to-peer lending guide

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a fast-growing type of finance in the UK. Here’s a handy guide if you’re wondering about using P2P to finance your business. What is P2P lending? P2P lending is a form of financing that allows investors to lend money to businesses needing funds. This process occurs through online platforms that match...

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  • Finance, Property

    Pros and cons of refinancing a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new loan. It may involve switching lenders or negotiating a new deal with your current one. Refinancing a commercial property may be appropriate for several reasons. Perhaps your current commercial mortgage is ending, or you’d like to release equity to help with cash flow....

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  • Finance

    One-third of broker clients have secured finance after being declined elsewhere

    A recent survey highlights the benefits of using a commercial finance broker when seeking funding for your business. The latest National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) membership survey of over 2,400 commercial brokers and 155 lenders found that commercial finance brokers facilitated a significant £38 billion in lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)...

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  • Property

    Preparing to buy an investment property at auction

    Buying an investment property at auction can be an effective way to expand your real estate portfolio. Preparation is the key to success, so here are some tips to help you increase your chances of a successful purchase. Before the auction Research thoroughly in advance Understand the auction process and rules well before the event....

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  • Business, Loans

    Lending market predictions for 2024

    As we start a new calendar year, we thought we’d share our expectations on what will happen in the UK lending market in 2024. Of course, we don’t have a crystal ball (sadly!), so these are our best-guess predictions based on the current market conditions and our industry experience. Tightened lending criteria During 2024, some...

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  • Banks, Economy, Finance

    Buying a business – how accessible is bank finance?

    Last autumn’s market turmoil and the subsequent 14 consecutive base rate rises by the Bank of England have dramatically changed the commercial lending landscape compared to 12 months ago. So, if you’re considering buying or expanding a business, how likely will you get bank finance? Here’s how the UK bank lending market is currently looking:...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans

    How to finance your business purchase

    If you’re looking to purchase a business and need financing to make it happen, there are numerous ways to fund your business acquisition. It can be a complex process, but with careful planning and consideration, you can secure the necessary funds to acquire your desired business. Here’s a summary of the common methods for financing...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, SME

    How to choose the right commercial finance broker for your business

    Working with a commercial finance broker can save you valuable time and may open up deals you couldn’t access independently. Finding the right commercial finance broker can transform your business prospects, but as there are so many to choose from, here are some tips on selecting the right one. What to look for in a...

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  • Finance

    Options to secure working capital for your business

    As any business owner will tell you, having access to cash flow and working capital is essential to maintain and grow your business. Without adequate working capital, you might struggle to take on new projects, hire additional staff, or pay suppliers. Thankfully, however, several options are available to increase your working capital if your cash...

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