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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    How can you get a business loan through Peer-2-peer funding?

    Peer-to-peer commercial funding, is a form of financing that connects businesses in need of funds with investors who are looking for attractive returns on their investments.  The process typically works as follows:  A business applies for a loan, either directly or through a broker such as ASC, through a peer-to-peer lending platform. The application includes...

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  • Business, Economy, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Why you should buy a pub in 2023!

    Are you thinking of buying a pub, but you’re not sure if it’s the right decision? This article will list the top reasons why it can be a practical investment.   Do you want to buy a pub in the United Kingdom? Discover why it is a smart choice from industry experts.   We’ve asked our friends...

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Finance, Loans, Property, SME

    Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Support Small Business, Here’s what you can do!  

    OK, so we are probably not going to win any awards for our Valentines poetry. But that’s ok. At ASC we pride ourselves on helping small businesses, and being part of the UK’s SME community.   So we wanted to take a break from telling everyone how great we are and how we can help small...

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  • Business, SME

    Six in ten Brits planning to start their own business – Can ASC help you launch it?   

    Recent public surveys have confirmed that six in ten Brits are planning to start their own business in the future. What is for certain is that the pandemic delayed everyone’s plans for a while, but since market confidence is getting higher and the country is fully open now, more soon-to-be business owners are planning on...

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  • ASC News, Financial World

    Interesting Times are ahead – use them to your advantage. The ASC Autumn Newsletter

    Does anybody know what’s going on in the UK at the moment? We’d say that it’s fairly unlikely. With all the political dramatics and potential economic effects that’re being prepared for at the moment, the only thing that anyone can say for certain is that we’re in for interesting times. In times like these, the...

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  • Financial World

    The world has changed, but our commitment to SMEs hasn’t

    50 years is a long time to be in business. It’s been half a century since Josef Sucharewicz founded ASC in 1969, and in that time, we’ve grown as a business in ways we’d never dreamed. From a one-man band in London to 20 offices nationwide, we’ve helped SMEs find over £1bn of finance in...

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  • Finance, Financial World

    Finance Myths Dispelled

    We were honoured to recently publish a piece in PMM magazine talking about some of the most common myths about finance we see when helping SMEs with loans. So, if you’re a small business owner and are wondering: Where can you actually get finance from? How do you navigate the complicated finance process? What do...

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  • Finance, Loans, Property

    What does success mean?

    We talk a lot about our “successful track record” at ASC. We’re proud of it – we don’t know any other brokers who have been successfully helping SMEs find finance for more than five decades. But what does that success actually mean? How have we actually helped businesses start, grow and thrive through finding them...

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  • Finance, Financial World, Loans

    It Pays to Shop Local

    Like any sector, the finance world has lenders of all shapes and sizes. From massive multinational banks to smaller, more local lenders, there are over 300 different funding sources available for a business looking for finance in the UK. But not all lenders are created equal – depending on where you are, and what exactly...

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