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Financial World

The world has changed, but our commitment to SMEs hasn’t

50 years is a long time to be in business. It’s been half a century since Josef Sucharewicz founded ASC in 1969, and in that time, we’ve grown as a business in ways we’d never dreamed. From a one-man band in London to 20 offices nationwide, we’ve helped SMEs find over £1bn of finance in our time, and we have no plans on slowing down.

However, the world we live in now is a very different world from the one we started off in. In our first year of business, we saw man walk on the moon! From there we’ve seen mobiles go from suitcase-sized to tiny handsets. We’ve seen the political situation across the world change many times over, and more major events than you can shake a stick at. Then, of course, you can’t forget computing – from building-sizes calculators to laptop miracles that can store more information than a room full of filing cabinets, we’ve truly experienced the rise of the digital age.

Some things haven’t changed, though. Fish & Chips is still the dish of the nation (although we do mourn the loss of mushy peas as standard). Another is our commitment to SMEs. 50 years have seen a lot of changes, but one thing that’s been constant throughout our decades of experience is that no matter what, we have an unwavering dedication to helping SMEs thrive.

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