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  • Business, Finance

    We asked AI whether AI could replace a commercial mortgage broker. This was their response. What do you think ?

    Most people who have been on social media recently will have seen that there’s a lot going on with AI advancements at the moment. While AI technology has advanced significantly in recent years, it is unlikely that it will entirely replace the need for a commercial mortgage broker. Well of course we would say that,...

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  • Banks, Finance, Financial World, Loans

    A Universal SME Finance Platform – Ideal Future, or a Pipe Dream?

    Lenders aren’t homogeneous. That’s one of the big challenges of SME finance. Different lenders will want things presented in different ways. We won’t lie, it can make for a challenging process sometimes where you have to re-arrange an application every single time you put it forward. A lot people think that should change. At an...

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  • ASC News, Finance, Financial World

    AI and Fintech – Can you trust a computer with your loan?

    There’s a strong argument being made to start leaving many major finance decisions to AI. An AI can react faster, spot trends sooner and analyse more data than any human – it’s easy to see why it’s a sensible decision. But is this wise for the broking world, where personality can mean so much? Fintech...

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  • Financial World

    The world has changed, but our commitment to SMEs hasn’t

    50 years is a long time to be in business. It’s been half a century since Josef Sucharewicz founded ASC in 1969, and in that time, we’ve grown as a business in ways we’d never dreamed. From a one-man band in London to 20 offices nationwide, we’ve helped SMEs find over £1bn of finance in...

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  • Financial World

    Blockchain & AI – Finance’s Future?

    Technology is amazing. We can do things today that would seem like magic at the turn of the century. There are few places where this is truer than Financial Services. The rise of “fintech” has changed the nature of brokers and traders, with communications taking hours, not days and complex calculations done in minutes. With...

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