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Business Relationships

  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    How can you get a business loan through Peer-2-peer funding?

    Peer-to-peer commercial funding, is a form of financing that connects businesses in need of funds with investors who are looking for attractive returns on their investments.  The process typically works as follows:  A business applies for a loan, either directly or through a broker such as ASC, through a peer-to-peer lending platform. The application includes...

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Where does the saying “Cash is King” actually come from?

    The saying “cash is king” is a common phrase used in the financial world. It means that cash (or liquid assets that can be easily converted into cash) are the most valuable assets to have, especially in times of uncertainty.  The origins of the phrase are not clear, but it has been used in the financial...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Why you should consider buying a business!

    A lot of people aspire to be their own boss – one way of doing this is to look at buying your own business.  Buying a business can be daunting, but it can also be a smart investment decision, and there can be specific benefits to business ownership. If you’re considering buying a business, it’s...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Why you should buy a fitness centre in 2023

    Thinking of buying a fitness centre? From health clubs to standard gyms, this article from will list the top reasons why investing in this sector is a smart choice.  Is buying a fitness centre a good idea?  Health and wellness are not products. They are a lifestyle that many people incorporate into their daily...

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  • Banks, Finance, Financial World, Loans

    A Universal SME Finance Platform – Ideal Future, or a Pipe Dream?

    Lenders aren’t homogeneous. That’s one of the big challenges of SME finance. Different lenders will want things presented in different ways. We won’t lie, it can make for a challenging process sometimes where you have to re-arrange an application every single time you put it forward. A lot people think that should change. At an...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, Loans

    What does it mean to “know” a bank? How brokers and bankers do business together.

    At ASC, we’re proud of knowing our lenders. We think we have a right to be – not many brokers have 50 years of experience doing business. So, where some might only know the banks that won’t lend, we know the banks that will. But what exactly does “knowing” a bank mean? How does it...

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  • Business, Finance, Financial World

    Business is tough – let us make it easy!

    One client source that’s often overlooked in finance is referrals. Business finance is built on trust – the client needs to trust that the broker knows what he is doing. The broker also needs to trust that the client has given them the right information. This makes word of mouth a powerful tool for driving...

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