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Spring Newsletter – March 2019

  • ASC News, Banks, Finance, Financial World

    The Search for a Loan – What’s right for You?

    A “loan” is a simple word, but it encompasses a multitude of financial options so wide that an inexperienced viewer can easily get lost. Trying to find the right loan can be confusing, and we’d never recommend looking without a specialist who can sort the bewildering array of options into something more palatable. With so...

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  • ASC News, Business, Economy

    Emails, Online and the Internet – are they really killing Professional Relationships?

    The world doesn’t communicate like it used to. Humanity has gone from telephones being an expensive novelty only used by the super-rich, to everyone carrying one around. Instead of taking days to send a letter, messages seconds. In the last 20 years, this has accelerated even further – the advent of the internet has made...

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  • ASC News, Business, Financial World, SME

    Is Bigger Really Better? The Advantages of Small Business

    Money makes the world go ‘round. It’s an old adage, but one that often holds true. In many scenarios, the more money you have, the better you’ll do. It’s tempting to apply this across the business world as well – a big company with more money to throw around is bound to produce a better...

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  • ASC News, Financial World

    An Honest Professional, or a Boring Paper-Pusher? What makes a good broker?

    At ASC, we talk a lot about how we’re the right kind of broker. But what makes a good SME broker? What do you need when running a brokerage in order to provide SMEs with the service they need? 1.      Perspective and Knowledge One of the most important things you can have is a sound...

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  • ASC News

    Modern Look, Traditional Relationships – ASC in 2019

    2019 so far has been a brand-new year for ASC in more ways than one. Our new website and new branding have breathed a breath of fresh air into the entire ASC network, cementing us as a modern business. With the assistance of modern conveniences, we’ve seen a 10% increase in year-on-year business in January...

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