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Modern Look, Traditional Relationships – ASC in 2019

2019 so far has been a brand-new year for ASC in more ways than one. Our new website and new branding have breathed a breath of fresh air into the entire ASC network, cementing us as a modern business. With the assistance of modern conveniences, we’ve seen a 10% increase in year-on-year business in January alone, with the promise of more to come.

We’ve expanded our online presence as well – every ASC office now has a Google MyBusiness page, so you can always easily find your nearest office on Google Maps. With their expanded reviews program, you’re now able to see honest opinions from our clients and partners on the stellar work ASC Regional Directors have provided.

But despite our investment into all-new technology, we haven’t forgotten that people are at the heart of finance. This year we’ve renewed our focus on making sure that every ASC Director knows who the right people are to help clients find finance in their area. Finance is as much about who you know as it is about what you know, and we want to make sure that ASC can help our clients and partners alike thrive by knowing just who they need to speak to. Technology is a boon to everyone, but we never want to become the be-all and end-all of ASC – you can never replace a real, personal relationship.

With Brexit rapidly approaching, and nobody really sure exactly what’s going to happen, many businesses are preparing for the worst and “hunkering down”. At ASC, though, no matter what happens we’re going keep on doing what we do best – providing SMEs with the finance they need to grow. Come rain, shine or financial turmoil, ASC will always be there.

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