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  • ASC News

    Recent deal completions for ASC Finance

    It’s been a busy time across the ASC network. Here’s a selection of some of our recent deal completions to give you a flavour of the success we achieve for our clients. On behalf of clients, we have secured: Refinance £450,000 commercial mortgage for a Dorset holiday park following partnership dissolution. £340,000 via an agricultural...

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  • ASC News

    Trio take over ownership of ASC Finance for Business

    ASC Finance for Business, has new owners following the sale by its founding family. Three ASC Regional Directors – Dominic Williams, Conrad Robins and Alex Milham have formed a partnership to assume ownership and management of the business. Collectively, the trio bring over 45 years of ASC experience to their new role. Founded by brothers...

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  • Finance

    Common myths about using a finance broker debunked 

    Using a commercial finance broker can be a wise choice for businesses requiring a loan. However, some common myths surrounding finance brokers can be misleading and may prevent businesses from using their services. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths about finance brokers so you can make a more informed decision about using...

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  • Finance

    One-third of broker clients have secured finance after being declined elsewhere

    A recent survey highlights the benefits of using a commercial finance broker when seeking funding for your business. The latest National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) membership survey of over 2,400 commercial brokers and 155 lenders found that commercial finance brokers facilitated a significant £38 billion in lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)...

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  • ASC News

    Why use ASC Finance for Business?

    As you’re on our website, you probably already appreciate the virtues of using a commercial finance broker. But what makes ASC the broker for you? Check out this five-star review for our Hampshire and Dorset office. We think it illustrates our case perfectly! “I recently had the pleasure of working with ASC Finance for Business,...

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  • ASC News

    Meet the ASC Director: Dan Gateshill

    Dan Gateshill is the Regional Director at our Hampshire, Dorset and Isle of Wight office. We asked him a few questions to help you get to know the man behind the desk. How long have you been with ASC? Six and a half years. What makes you a good broker? Feedback from my clients shows...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, SME

    How to choose the right commercial finance broker for your business

    Working with a commercial finance broker can save you valuable time and may open up deals you couldn’t access independently. Finding the right commercial finance broker can transform your business prospects, but as there are so many to choose from, here are some tips on selecting the right one. What to look for in a...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Does my personal credit score matter if I’m getting a business loan?

    When it comes to commercial mortgages, many business owners wonder whether their personal credit score plays a significant role in the loan approval process. While commercial mortgages differ from personal mortgages in several aspects, your credit score can matter when applying for a commercial mortgage, though it will depend on the type of finance you...

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  • Banks, Business, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    How can you get a business loan through Peer-2-peer funding?

    Peer-to-peer commercial funding, is a form of financing that connects businesses in need of funds with investors who are looking for attractive returns on their investments.  The process typically works as follows:  A business applies for a loan, either directly or through a broker such as ASC, through a peer-to-peer lending platform. The application includes...

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