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Summer Newsletter – June 2019

  • ASC News, Finance, Financial World

    AI and Fintech – Can you trust a computer with your loan?

    There’s a strong argument being made to start leaving many major finance decisions to AI. An AI can react faster, spot trends sooner and analyse more data than any human – it’s easy to see why it’s a sensible decision. But is this wise for the broking world, where personality can mean so much? Fintech...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, SME

    Do small businesses really need to get bigger? How business expansion factors into finance.

    Every business needs finance. It’s practically a fact of a business owner’s life. At some point, your business will want to grow, and you’ll need the funds to make it happen. However, there’s a prevailing myth about what comes with finance that we’d like to talk about. That myth is the idea that every business...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, Loans

    What does it mean to “know” a bank? How brokers and bankers do business together.

    At ASC, we’re proud of knowing our lenders. We think we have a right to be – not many brokers have 50 years of experience doing business. So, where some might only know the banks that won’t lend, we know the banks that will. But what exactly does “knowing” a bank mean? How does it...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    A Manufactured Issue – Financing Medium Businesses

    Here at ASC, we write a lot about the work we do with small businesses. When you work in the SME sector, it’s a reasonable thing to do – 95% of companies in the UK have fewer than 5 staff. However, just because the majority of businesses are small, it doesn’t mean that we should...

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