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Property Development Finance

  • ASC News

    Recent deal completions for ASC Finance

    It’s been a busy time across the ASC network. Here’s a selection of some of our recent deal completions to give you a flavour of the success we achieve for our clients. On behalf of clients, we have secured: Refinance £450,000 commercial mortgage for a Dorset holiday park following partnership dissolution. £340,000 via an agricultural...

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  • Finance, Property development

    What is development exit finance? 

    Development exit finance refers to short-term financing used by property developers to repay outstanding property development finance once the project is nearing completion. Why is development exit finance necessary? Property development projects usually require a significant upfront investment in land acquisition, construction, and other development costs. These costs are often funded by development finance, a...

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  • Finance

    When might bridging finance be appropriate?

    Bridging finance, also known as bridge loans or bridging loans, is a short-term loan (generally 12 months or less). Bridging loans provide quick access to funds and are typically used to bridge a gap between purchasing a new property and selling an existing property. However, there are other scenarios where bridging finance might be appropriate,...

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  • Finance, Property, Property development

    Property development finance options

    Whether you’re looking to begin a large-scale property development project or plan to expand your buy-to-let property portfolio, you’ll probably need property finance to realise your ambitions. Property development finance funds residential, commercial or mixed-use property development. Several options are available, and as the choice can be overwhelming, here’s an outline of some possibilities. Five...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, Property, Property development

    The role of bridging finance in property development and investment 

    Bridging finance is a short-term loan (typically 12 months or less) that provides an immediate cash boost. Bridging finance plays a crucial role in property development and investment by providing short-term capital to bridge funding gaps or facilitate property transactions. This form of financing is favourable when traditional forms of financing, such as bank loans,...

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  • Banks

    Bank versus a commercial finance broker

    If your business needs finance, the default scenario is to go to your bank. However, the days of having a dedicated bank manager who knows your business inside out and can get you the loan you need are, unfortunately, behind us in most cases. So, what’s the alternative? Instead of seeking a bank loan, you...

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  • Finance

    What does a commercial finance broker do? 

    ASC Finance for Business is a commercial finance broker. This blog post explains what that means and how using a commercial finance broker could benefit your business. What is a commercial finance broker? A commercial finance broker is an intermediary between businesses seeking financing and lenders or financial institutions providing commercial loans. Professional brokers are...

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  • Business, Economy, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Why you should buy a pub in 2023!

    Are you thinking of buying a pub, but you’re not sure if it’s the right decision? This article will list the top reasons why it can be a practical investment.   Do you want to buy a pub in the United Kingdom? Discover why it is a smart choice from industry experts.   We’ve asked our friends...

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