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Business Loans

  • Loans

    Peer-to-peer lending guide

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a fast-growing type of finance in the UK. Here’s a handy guide if you’re wondering about using P2P to finance your business. What is P2P lending? P2P lending is a form of financing that allows investors to lend money to businesses needing funds. This process occurs through online platforms that match...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans, SME

    So, do you want to grow? The three options a business may have.

    Have you ever looked at your competition and wondered why they are leaving you behind, excelling in product innovation and gaining more market share? Do you want to grow your business?  It is not a myth that it ‘takes money to make money’ and often SMEs struggle to invest in their business to push it...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans

    How do I know if my business needs external finance?

    The short answer here is that it can be hard to know. Only 36% of SME’s utilise external finance, and in our experience not as many business owners are as aware of how a cash injection can help them. What signs are there that raising some finance could help you? Well, these will vary, but...

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