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Business, Finance, Loans, SME

So, do you want to grow? The three options a business may have.

Have you ever looked at your competition and wondered why they are leaving you behind, excelling in product innovation and gaining more market share? Do you want to grow your business? 

It is not a myth that it ‘takes money to make money’ and often SMEs struggle to invest in their business to push it to the next level when they really need to because they simply do not know where to get that additional investment from. 

 Unless you are a large corporate or have created the next Facebook it might be tricky to provide investors or high street banks with an adequate business plan to give you the money you need to push your project or business to the next level. 

So, what are your options? 

1: You do nothing and continue working at your current rate, losing market share and ceasing to exist in 10 years’ time (if you’re lucky). 

2: You bury your head in the sand and hope that your business stays competitive with minimal investment or marketing activity. 

3: You plan, communicate & invest in your business promoting your product or services to your clients.

Contact your local ASC office for more information to secure finance for your business. 

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