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Business Expansion

  • Business, Finance, Loans

    What’s your New Years Resolution for your Business?

    2023 is here. Have you made a new year’s resolution for your business? Maybe this is the year where you undertake that next project, reorganise your finances, or bring on more staff. Whatever your dreams and goals are, it is important that if you have a target for your business, that it is something achievable....

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  • Business, Finance, SME

    Growing your business: Organically or through Acquisition?

    Every company wants to grow, right? Well in many cases, yes, but have business owners had time to think about the best way to grow? And what is the difference between growing organically or through acquisition? What is the impact on your business’ future? Remember that every business is different, with its own weaknesses and...

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Property

    Is it a good idea to buy a business during an economic downturn?

    Short answer: Yes. Many small and big brands worldwide have started and flourished during economic downturns. As an example, “essential” business such as grocery stores, utility companies and service providers have proven to be relevant and are currently thriving – They are pulling hefty funds, especially business that made smart adaptations to social distancing measures....

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  • Business

    Why now might be a good a time as ever to expand your business

    Coronavirus, lockdown, failing economy – you name it, we’ve all heard it. With the market and economy uncertain and many businesses suffering, why might now actually be the right time to expand your business? Rather than wait for the perfect time, which cannot be predicted, invest in expansion now. The value of various things has...

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  • Business, SME

    How ASC can help you expand your business

    Expanding a business can be an expensive yet lucrative move. The costs of expanding your business can eventually be offset with the increased business brought in by the expansion. However, where some businesses have the potential for growth, they may not have the cash to easily expand. At ASC, we know which lenders to talk...

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  • Business, Loans, SME

    How to maximise your chances of receiving finance - 3 tips for the best applications

    So, you need additional financing for your business? With lenders receiving 1000s of applications a year, it is crucial that to be receive the highest level of consideration, your application stands out. Indeed, the quality of applications that lenders receive from different brokers is not always the finest and that impacts how they view any...

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  • Business, SME

    How to clear the bottlenecks of business

    How to clear the bottlenecks of business. Starting a business is a daunting prospect. There are many hurdles which you, as a business owner, might need to navigate over the initial period. Setting up your procedures, getting the word out, and managing to make your initial investment go far are all difficult challenges. But if...

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  • In The Press

    Our article published in Teach Early Years discusses raising finance for a nursery business

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  • Business, Economy, Loans

    Business Loans don’t always mean expansion – they can be whatever you make them!

    There’s a common belief in the business world that if a company is looking for finance, they’re looking to get bigger. Bigger premises, more staff, more orders, more clients, the works; after all, if you’re not growing larger, are you actually moving your business forward? Well, this week we’d like to address this topic and...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, SME

    Do small businesses really need to get bigger? How business expansion factors into finance.

    Every business needs finance. It’s practically a fact of a business owner’s life. At some point, your business will want to grow, and you’ll need the funds to make it happen. However, there’s a prevailing myth about what comes with finance that we’d like to talk about. That myth is the idea that every business...

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