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  • Finance

    Brokers - what are they for?

    If you want milk, you would automatically go to the supermarket, if you need a mechanic for your car you would go to a garage and if you need finance you should go to an independent finance broker. There are ultimately two options if you want to arrange finance; you can do it yourself and...

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  • Banks, Finance, Investment, Loans

    Do you know the difference between serviced monthly, rolled up, and retained interest?

    Interest rates are the main cost of borrowing money. When you borrow money from a lender you are expected to pay back the amount that you borrowed, plus the interest on the amount borrowed. The number of different interest rates available when borrowing can be confusing, and varied. The types of interest rates on commercial...

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  • Banks, Loans, Property

    Why a broker is like your back-up parachute!

    Do I need a finance broker? Can’t I just speak to my bank myself? Well in theory you can. If your bank has the time to speak to you, and you approach the right bank, and you are able to speak to a decision maker etc. etc.  A broker is not always a necessity for...

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  • Finance, SME

    Why it pays to use the right broker

    Do I really need a broker if I’m looking for business finance? Of course, if you ask us, as a commercial finance broker, we would give you a resounding “yes”! However, we truly believe that using a broker is the better option for a business looking to find finance. Why? The world of commercial finance...

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  • Miscellaneous

    30 years supporting local business in Devon and Cornwall!

    ASC Director, Conrad Robins, opened ASC Finance for Business in St Austell in 1990. Today, with offices based in Truro and Exeter, he is celebrating 30 years of helping businesses in Devon and Cornwall raise the finance they need.  We interviewed Conrad and his team to find out more about his work with local business....

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  • Business

    Why you should use a financial broker

    Whether your business needs additional finance or you’re looking to expand, a commercial finance broker can ensure that they find the right finance to suit your business needs. A broker will also have access to certain lenders who only talk to brokers and will know the right solutions to your business financing requirements. Here are...

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  • Financial World, Loans

    Do you rate the loan you’re looking for?

    It’s not exactly a surprising statement to say that interest rates are important in finance. You can have the best initial loan offering in the world, but if the interest rates aren’t right for your business, then your wallet will be hurting in due time. When you’re broking finance, you need to know that you’re...

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  • ASC News, Financial World, Loans

    What does it mean to “know” a bank? How brokers and bankers do business together.

    At ASC, we’re proud of knowing our lenders. We think we have a right to be – not many brokers have 50 years of experience doing business. So, where some might only know the banks that won’t lend, we know the banks that will. But what exactly does “knowing” a bank mean? How does it...

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