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Banks, Business, Finance

You wouldn’t take the first price offered when buying a car…

Imagine yourself walking in to a car showroom to take a look at a car that you think would be perfect for your needs. Now imagine that when you say hello and shake the hand of the sales person, you immediately say, “Yes! I will buy that car for that much!”.

Would you do that? Of course not!

You certainly shouldn’t treat your business in that fashion. If you’re one of the lucky (very) few who still has a relationship of some sort with your bank, you will no doubt ask for their assistance if you need financing for your business. But you shouldn’t stop there.

A good broker will utilise their relationships with lenders from across the spectrum, to get the most appropriate funding arrangements for your individual business. The business finance marketplace is like a buffet, most dishes are delicious, but not everything will go together.

You really should use a broker who will be able to get faster, better, and simpler access to business finance. It pays to use an expert.

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