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  • Banks, Finance

    What are the alternatives to a bank loan for a business?

    For many businesses needing finance, their bank is their first port of call. The British Business Bank recently reported that 51% of smaller businesses only approached their bank. If their bank declined them, only 5% would consider another lender. However, despite banks being a clear favourite for business finance, they aren’t the only option. If...

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  • Loans

    Peer-to-peer lending guide

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a fast-growing type of finance in the UK. Here’s a handy guide if you’re wondering about using P2P to finance your business. What is P2P lending? P2P lending is a form of financing that allows investors to lend money to businesses needing funds. This process occurs through online platforms that match...

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  • Business, Finance, Loans

    How to finance your business purchase

    If you’re looking to purchase a business and need financing to make it happen, there are numerous ways to fund your business acquisition. It can be a complex process, but with careful planning and consideration, you can secure the necessary funds to acquire your desired business. Here’s a summary of the common methods for financing...

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  • Finance

    Options to secure working capital for your business

    As any business owner will tell you, having access to cash flow and working capital is essential to maintain and grow your business. Without adequate working capital, you might struggle to take on new projects, hire additional staff, or pay suppliers. Thankfully, however, several options are available to increase your working capital if your cash...

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  • Finance, SME

    How Peer-to-Peer Finance could benefit your business

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Finance is one of those topics that can be tricky to understand. P2P loans are funded by multiple individuals or organisations all contributing money. They work just like normal loans, the main difference being they aren’t funded by banks. Instead, they’re drawn from a public platform that interested parties contribute funds into. The...

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  • Finance, Loans

    Confused about Peer-to-Peer Finance? Have a look at our new Infographic!

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Finance is one of those topics that it’s easy to get the wrong idea about. So, to help everyone understand it, our latest ASC Infographic is all about what P2P is, and how you can get it!  

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  • ASC News, Finance, Financial World

    Could Crowdfunding Work for You?

    When you think of financing a business venture, crowdfunding probably isn’t the first thing on your mind. Why get £5 from 1,000 individuals when you can get the whole £5,000 from a real lender? Yet in recent years crowdfunding has become a popular option for companies to finance projects, with platforms like Kickstarter raising millions....

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