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  • Business, SME

    How ASC can help you expand your business

    Expanding a business can be an expensive yet lucrative move. The costs of expanding your business can eventually be offset with the increased business brought in by the expansion. However, where some businesses have the potential for growth, they may not have the cash to easily expand. At ASC, we know which lenders to talk...

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  • Finance, Financial World, SME

    Becoming a broker – your path to happiness?

    There are a lot of benefits to working with ASC. Our personal approach, our wide network of contacts, our dedicated SME focus – these are just some of the reasons small businesses nationwide use ASC to help achieve their dreams. But there is another side to ASC – our Regional Directors themselves! We’re always on...

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  • Finance, Financial World, SME

    Opportunities need funds – we’re here to provide them

    The biggest tragedy that any business faces is having to turn down opportunities. Having the chance to grow your business, but not being able to take it, is disheartening for any business owner. Unfortunately, it’s a situation that’s been on the rise in recent years – according to some recently released research, 55% of small...

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