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Commercial Mortgage

  • Finance, Loans, Property

    When to refinance a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property means taking out a new mortgage to replace the existing one. Refinancing could bring a number of benefits to your business if done at the right time. Refinancing could be beneficial to your business in the following scenarios: Lower interest rates: Interest rates regularly fluctuate. If rates have fallen since taking...

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  • Finance, Property

    Pros and cons of refinancing a commercial property

    Refinancing a commercial property involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new loan. It may involve switching lenders or negotiating a new deal with your current one. Refinancing a commercial property may be appropriate for several reasons. Perhaps your current commercial mortgage is ending, or you’d like to release equity to help with cash flow....

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  • Loans, Property

    How is a commercial mortgage different to a residential mortgage?

    Commercial and residential mortgages are similar in that they both involve borrowing money to purchase property. However, they differ in several ways: 1. Purpose Residential mortgages are used to finance the purchase of homes that people will live in. On the other hand, commercial mortgages are used to finance properties primarily intended for business activities....

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