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How we provide value to our clients – When all doors close, you still have ASC

Behind every loan there is a story, and people who have things going on in their lives. For us, it’s one of the most rewarding parts of what we do – we help real people with real problems.

Richard Scotney, from ASC in Derbyshire, shares one of the deals he is most proud of where he was able to assist a client who was going through a complicated situation. The bank was chasing our client, and she had recently been widowed so was not fully aware of all the arrangements which had been organised by her late husband.

The client’s late husband had taken out a loan with a high street lender for his business. She had then taken over the business. The bank was calling in the debt and refused to refinance into her name and even though she asked other banks for help, all said no. Our client was already going through a very stressful and emotional period of time and this added extra stress that she didn’t need.

Richard comments, “It was very difficult situation as serviceability was a bit tight, but in the end, we managed to find a local building society that was happy to support her, and refinanced the existing debt into a long-term mortgage. My client and myself were very happy as I helped her get out of a very stressful and emotional hole, and she continued to run the business herself.” We know the value we can add, could we help you?

We would be happy to provide finance to your business, whether you are on a difficult situation or not, we can still help. Contact your local ASC office to find out more.

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