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Complaints Policy

How can you make a complaint? 

If you wish to make a complaint, you should first speak to the Regional Director, and discuss if your matter can be resolved.  

You can make a complaint by any reasonable means – for example, letter, email or telephone.  It is free of charge to complain. 

In the unfortunate event where you are not happy with their resolution, you can contact the Operations Director of ASC Partnership Ltd as we take complaints very seriously. 

To make a complaint, please contact: 

Emily Scragg

Telephone: 0207 616 6628 



Firstly, let us know what has happened. You can call us, email us or write to us. Our contact information is detailed at the bottom of this document. 

We will need to know:  

  • Your name and address.  
  • Details of how we can contact you.  
  • A clear description of your complaint and whether any 3rd party is involved.  
  • Details of what you would like us to do to resolve your complaint.  
  • If appropriate, copies of any relevant supporting documentation.  

What will we do once we have received your complaint? 

We will contact you as soon as possible to let you know we are considering your complaint and clarify any points where necessary. 

We will promptly acknowledge your complaint in writing (and aim to do so within 48 hours).  In this acknowledgement, we will provide the name and title of the person that is handling your complaint.  We will give this individual the authority necessary to investigate and settle the complaint.   


Investigating and resolving your complaint 

We will investigate your complaint competently, diligently and impartially with a view to deciding whether the complaint should be upheld and whether any remedial action and / or redress may be appropriate.   

We will keep you regularly updated about what’s happening and discuss our findings. We will consider all the available evidence, the circumstances, relevant laws or regulation, as well as guidance from the Financial Ombudsman Service where applicable. When we have investigated your complaint, we will write to you to let you know our final response. 

If it is going to take us more than eight weeks to resolve your complaint, from when you first contacted us, we will update you on our progress and explain why it is still ongoing. 


Financial Ombudsman Service 

If you are not satisfied with how we dealt with your complaint or you are not happy with our decision and wish to take it further, you may be able to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) regarding your complaint provided that the complaint concerns a regulated activity, and you fall within the classification of an “eligible complainant”