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Using a Broker

  • Loans, Property

    What lenders look for in commercial mortgage applications

    A commercial mortgage is a secured loan used to purchase a commercial property. When deciding whether to lend, lenders assess several key factors to determine the borrower’s creditworthiness and the overall loan risk. Each lender may have slightly different criteria, but generally, they look at the following: Business and financial information Business history and type:...

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  • Banks

    Bank versus a commercial finance broker

    If your business needs finance, the default scenario is to go to your bank. However, the days of having a dedicated bank manager who knows your business inside out and can get you the loan you need are, unfortunately, behind us in most cases. So, what’s the alternative? Instead of seeking a bank loan, you...

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Finance, Financial World, Loans, SME

    Why do we have bank holidays? When did they first come about? – Everything you wanted to know about the bank holiday!

    Q: What are bank holidays?  A: Bank holidays are public holidays in the United Kingdom that are recognized by banks, government offices, and other businesses. They are days when most businesses and many shops are closed, and many people have the day off work.  Q: Why do we have bank holidays?  A: Bank holidays were...

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  • Banks, Business, Economy, Finance, Financial World, Loans, Property, SME

    Where does the saying “Cash is King” actually come from?

    The saying “cash is king” is a common phrase used in the financial world. It means that cash (or liquid assets that can be easily converted into cash) are the most valuable assets to have, especially in times of uncertainty.  The origins of the phrase are not clear, but it has been used in the financial...

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  • Business, Loans, SME

    Why bother using a finance broker? 

    As commercial finance brokers, we occasionally hear people say that they don’t really want to use a broker for their business finance, rather that they would prefer to approach the lender directly.  So why should people use a commercial finance broker at all?  The marketplace for commercial finance is becoming more and more challenging. Lenders’ criteria are...

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  • Business, Financial World, Miscellaneous

    What people think Brokers do, versus what we actually do

    We often find that clients and other professionals alike don’t really understand exactly what we do as brokers and how we can support clients on their journey for finance. For a change, and for some fun, we thought we would set the record straight. What people think we do Only forward emails to a lender...

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  • Business

    Why you should use a financial broker

    Whether your business needs additional finance or you’re looking to expand, a commercial finance broker can ensure that they find the right finance to suit your business needs. A broker will also have access to certain lenders who only talk to brokers and will know the right solutions to your business financing requirements. Here are...

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  • ASC News, Banks

    “No”. “Maybe”. “If…”. “But”. Will you ever just get a “Yes” from a Bank?

    Business banks are masters of unclear language. If you ever want to find someone who’s saying “no” at the exact same time as they’re saying “yes”, talk to a business loan underwriter. There’s a saying in finance that you’ll get one of three answers from a bank if you’re looking for finance on your own...

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  • Banks, Finance, Loans

    Business finance is a bespoke service. So why not make sure you’re getting what’s right for you?

    If you’ve been eagle-eyed this month, you might have noticed there’s a bit of a theme to the blogs. First, we talked about how a broker was faster than looking on your own. Then, we talked about how a broker provides a much simpler experience than the banks. It’s almost as if we’re making a...

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