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News and Information

A collection of our thoughts, opinions, (and sometimes general musings) on everything to do with all aspects of business finance, commercial finance, small businesses, and general news about ASC Finance for Business.

  • Banks, Financial World, Loans

    Inviting a Comparison

    “How do you choose between lenders?” is a question we get asked often. It can be a tricky question to answer – no two brokers will have the same method, for one. But it involves broker and client looking at an offer and seeing if it really fits a business. However, there’s been a development...

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  • Financial World

    Blockchain & AI – Finance’s Future?

    Technology is amazing. We can do things today that would seem like magic at the turn of the century. There are few places where this is truer than Financial Services. The rise of “fintech” has changed the nature of brokers and traders, with communications taking hours, not days and complex calculations done in minutes. With...

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  • Banks, Economy, Financial World, Government, Loans

    Basic Opinions

    It’s no secret that lenders live and die by their interest rates. Exactly what interest rates a lender charges has a major impact on potential clients. As such, a change in the Bank of England’s base rate is a serious event. If the base rate rises, it could mean more profit, but if their rates...

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  • ASC Newsletters, Housing, Property

    Going, Going, Gone! The World of Auction Finance

    Buying a property at an auction isn’t exactly the “normal” way to acquire real estate. Properties usually come onto the auction market because they have been seized from their previous owners as collateral – usually as a result of non-payment of some form of debt. This makes property auctions a potentially lucrative way of buying...

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  • ASC Newsletters, Finance, Financial World

    Could Crowdfunding Work for You?

    When you think of financing a business venture, crowdfunding probably isn’t the first thing on your mind. Why get £5 from 1,000 individuals when you can get the whole £5,000 from a real lender? Yet in recent years crowdfunding has become a popular option for companies to finance projects, with platforms like Kickstarter raising millions....

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  • Housing, Property

    Centre of A-tenant-tion

    Do you know who your landlord is? For some, that’s an easy question – they rent from a private landlord who they can contact if needed. For others, it’s less so – many people in the UK rent either from or through estate agents and property management services, with no definite “landlord” to contact. This...

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  • Loans, SME

    Stacking the Debt

    Lenders’ requirements should be stringent. To get a loan, a business normally has to pass a series of relatively strict criteria, to make sure that they’re in a position to pay back the loan. Normally, this goes off without a hitch, and a business is given a loan they can afford to pay back that...

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  • Finance, Financial World

    Making a Song and Dance

    It seems like every December, anyone and everyone releases a Christmas single. From corporations and celebrities to churches and charities, it seems that everyone wants to put their message out there at Christmas-time. Look out for the ASC single “Christmas Finance for Christmas People” in stores soon*! This year, though, there’s a slightly unusual contender...

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  • Banks

    Experienced Hands

    Business finance is an exercise in explanation. If you go to the bank to try and find finance, can you just go in and talk to someone? Not in our experience – you have to fill in form after form, then explain everything you’ve put in those forms again to a person after waiting weeks...

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  • Business, Finance, SME

    You're buying more than a business - you're buying a dream!

    “This is only the beginning of the journey. And as it progresses, you will be remembered throughout every step of it. I’m glad to know that I can always come back for any further help from you.”   We received the above quote from a client we recently raised finance for – and we felt...

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