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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from ASC!

We’ve just about reached that time of year again when the whole world slows down for a few weeks. Christmas will be a time to relax, kick back and, we all hope (even more so this year), enjoy time with loved ones. We are no exception. After this week, this will be our last blog until the new year, so it’s time to take a look at 2020 in finance, and what the new year might bring.

If you had to sum up this year in the financial world, the word to choose would probably be “incredulous”.

Even with a viable vaccine on the horizon, the future is still uncertain for so many businesses. In addition, the way businesses need to operate, now that the transition phase for Brexit is about to expire, is still evolving.

It is understandable that many businesses across the country have been reticent to look at undertaking major projects, and are looking at more conservative options. On the other hand, there’s been a notable subset of businesses who’ve taken the current state of affairs to be an opportunity for them to expand into new spaces whilst their rivals are playing it safe, and are pursuing projects left, right and centre. It has led to an interesting mix of a variety of businesses looking for finance for every purpose under the sun.

What about ASC this year, then? Well, despite all the uncertainty, we’re still here to make sure that our clients are finding the business finance that they really need.

Nobody really knows what 2021 is going to bring. It would be true to say that there are probably as many potential scenarios as there are stars in the sky. But we can say one thing – we’re not going anywhere. No matter what the next year brings, we are still going to be out there providing businesses with faster, simpler, better finance.

So we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year from everyone here at ASC – we’ll see you in 2021

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